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Re: Public Rosary
Bedford Row, Limerick

on 15th January 2022.

The public rosary in Limerick of 15th January 2022 was arranged on 11th December 2021.

Originally conducted for 2-3 years in Thomas Street, Limerick, the venue was changed to Bedford Row in December due to street renovations. Deemed to be a suitable venue henceforth, Bedford Row was selected and advertised since December 21.

When the rosary organisers arrived at 1:30pm, they set up and half hour later, members of Rosa group arrived and set up beside the rosary location.

The rosary organisers had no idea that another group was going to arrive at the Bedford Row location. The rosary organisers had set up 30 minutes before Rosa members arrived.

At no time were the rosary organisers asked to turn down their loudspeaker volume nor were they asked to move somewhere else.  The Rosa members could easily have moved down the street before setting up their event.

The Bedford Row rosary event was organised and advertised before Aisling Murphy’s tragic death.  A number of Masses are being offered for her soul and her grieving family.

The ensuing controversy is being unfairly seized upon for other ends.

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